To clarify the differences in the components and characteristic flavor substances of cheddar cheese at different maturity stages,cheddar cheeses with maturity periods of 6,12,24 and 36 months were used to analyze and compare the differences in basic components,free amino acids,and volatile flavor substances. Descriptive sensory evaluation and analysis of volatile flavor substances were carried out. The results showed that with the increase of maturation time,the four cheddar cheeses had no significant changes in salt content; the water,protein and fat contents gradually decreased with gradual pH increase and the free amino acid content increased significantly (P<0.05). The principal component analysis results of volatile flavor substances showed that ethanol,hexanol,decanol,2-heptanone,acetic acid were main components of 6 months old cheese; the main flavor compounds in cheese aged 12 months were 3-methylbutanol,decanal,2-nonanone,2-undecone; 24 months aged cheese have 3-methylbutyraldehyde,caproic acid,caprylic acid,caproaldehyde,amyl butyrate,ethyl caprylate; and the main flavor compounds in cheese aged 36 months were valeric acid,heptanoic acid,nonanoic acid,δ-nonolactone,acetoin,benzaldehyde. Results of descriptive sensory evaluation indicated that the nutty flavor showed an increasing trend with the maturation time,which was consistent with the increasing trend of the content of 3-methylbutyraldehyde. The analysis of cheese components and characteristic flavor substances at different maturity stages provide scientific data support for the improvement of cheese rapid maturation technology.
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