该文利用响应面法对冠突散囊菌(Eurotium cristatum)所产的胞外黑色素发酵条件进行优化并对黑色素稳定性进行研究。以不同培养温度、培养基pH、摇床转速为评价因素,产生的黑色素溶液吸光值为响应值,建立3因素3水平Box-Behnken响应面试验。结果表明,冠突散囊菌胞外黑色素最优发酵条件参数为转速184 r/min、培养温度 29 ℃、培养基pH 6.8,在该发酵条件下提取获得冠突散囊菌胞外黑色素4.27 g/L。所得黑色素在70 ℃以下耐热性强,Mg2+、Zn2+、Fe3+对其的稳定性有增强作用,该黑色素应避光保存,在使用过程中应避免与强氧化剂和还原剂接触。
In this study, response surface methodology was employed to optimize the fermentation conditions and the stability of extracellular melanin produced by Eurotium cristatum was also investigated. The three-factor three-level Box-Behnken response surface experiment was established via setting different culture temperatures, pH of the culture medium, and the speed of the shaker as evaluation factors and regarding the absorbance value of produced melanin solution as response value. The results showed that the optimal fermentation parameters of E. cristatum extracellular melanin were 184 r/min, 29 ℃ and pH 6.8. The yields of extracellular melanin reached 4.27 g/L under this condition. The obtained melanin exhibited strong heat resistance when the temperature was below 70 ℃. Metal ions such as Mg2+, Zn2+, Fe3+ enhanced the stability of extracellular melanin. The melanin should be stored away from light and avoid the contact with the strong oxidants and reducing agents during use.
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