为提高功能性红曲发酵产物中降脂活性物质酸式莫纳可林 K(Monacolin K)的含量,优化功能性红曲固态发酵工艺,以紫色红曲菌(CGMCC No.18110)作为发酵菌种,酸式Monacolin K作为目标产物,采用基于两阶段L-谷氨酸添加的固态发酵工艺,在单因素试验结果的基础上,利用Box-Behnken试验优化功能性红曲固态发酵工艺条件。根据单因素试验结果选择大豆粉添加量、常温发酵阶段L-谷氨酸添加量和低温发酵阶段L-谷氨酸添加量作为主要影响因素。由响应面数据分析得出最佳工艺条件为大豆粉添加量2%(质量分数)、常温发酵阶段L-谷氨酸添加量2%(质量分数)、低温发酵阶段L-谷氨酸添加量4%(质量分数)、装料量150 g、接种量15%、发酵时间22 d(常温30 ℃发酵3 d,低温20 ℃发酵19 d,并在低温发酵5 d后再次添加L-谷氨酸),此条件下发酵成品酸式Monacolin K含量达到6.848 mg/g。该实验还对发酵过程中红曲菌的形态进行了扫描电镜观察,结果显示,L-谷氨酸能影响红曲菌的菌丝体形态和生殖方式。
To increase the yield of fermentation product Monacolin K acid, a hypolipidemic agent, the solid-state fermentation process of functional Monascus was optimized. Fermentation with Monascus purpureus CGMCC No.18110 to produce Monacolin K acid was conducted by two-stage L-glutamic acid addition. Based on the results of single factor test, Box-Behnken test was performed to optimize the fermentation process by functional Monascus. According to the single factor test results, the amount of soybean meal and L-glutamic acid added at two-stage fermentation were selected as main influencing factors. Through a response surface test, the optimal fermentation conditions were determined to be 2% soybean meal, 2% L-glutamic acid at normal temperature(30 ℃) fermentation stage, 4% L-glutamic acid at low temperature fermentation stage, 150 g of substrates, 15% inoculum, and fermentation time of 22 d (3 d at normal temperature fermentation stage, then 19 d at low temperature(20 ℃) fermentation stage, with L-glutamic acid addition at the 5th day at low temperature stage). Under these conditions, the yield of Monacolin K acid was 6.848 mg/g. Morphological features of Monascus mycelia during the fermentation process were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM results revealed that L-glutamic acid affects the mycelia and the reproduction of Monascus. Compared with the traditional solid-state fermentation process, the process with two-stage L-glutamic acid addition is promising for large scale production of Monacolin K acid.
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