红曲菌可产生具有降血脂功能的莫纳可林K,但部分菌株产生的桔霉素引起了人们对红曲产品安全性的担忧。选取11株紫色红曲菌和10株红色红曲菌,通过高效液相色谱法分析各菌株固态发酵所产红曲米中莫纳可林K和桔霉素的含量。结果表明,11 株紫色红曲菌和4株红色红曲菌可产生桔霉素,1株紫色红曲菌和9株红色红曲菌可产生莫纳可林K。其中5株红色红曲菌所生产的红曲中莫纳可林K和桔霉素含量符合QB/T 2847—2007《功能性红曲(米粉)》。该结果可为修改红曲产品相关标准提供有价值的信息。
Monacolin K (MK, also known as lovastatin), produced by fermenting steamed rice with Monascus sp.,is a beneficial secondary metabolite which has hypocholesterolemic effects. While some Monascus strains can produce the mycotoxin citrinin, which gives rise to a controversy over the safety of Monascus fermented products. In this study, 11 Monascus purpureus and 10 Monascus ruber strains were selected, and the contents of MK and citrinin in red yeast rice produced by these strains were analyzed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All 11 M. purpureus strains and 4 M. ruber strains could produce citrinin, while a M. purpureus strain and 9 M. ruber strains could produce MK. The contents of MK and citrinin in fermented rice produced by 5 M. ruber strains met the standards of functional red yeast rice (QB/T 2847—2007). The results from this study provide valuable information for modifying standards of related functional red yeast rice.
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