以碳酸二甲酯为有机相,柠檬酸钠为盐相,采用三相分配体系(three-phase partitioning,TPP)对螺旋藻多糖(polysaccharides of Spirulina platensis,PSP)进行萃取分离。结果表明,在碳酸二甲酯与多糖粗提液体积比为0.6∶1.0、柠檬酸钠质量浓度为0.18 g/mL、温度为30 ℃、pH值为6.0的条件下,制备的螺旋藻多糖(PSP-D)的最大得率为(11.90±0.12)%。PSP-D比叔丁醇和硫酸铵形成TPP制备的多糖(PSP-T)具有更高的多糖含量,PSP-D和PSP-T具有不同的化学组成和分子质量,但其化学结构基本保持不变。PSP-D具有较强的自由基清除能力和总抗氧化能力,因此,碳酸二甲酯作为叔丁醇替代溶剂的TPP体系对天然生物分子的高效分配具有很大的潜力。
In this study, a three-phase partitioning (TPP) system with dimethyl carbonate (DMC) as an organic phase and sodium citrate (SC) as salt phase was used for partitioning of polysaccharides from Spirulina platensis (PSP). Results showed that the maximum extraction yield (EY) of PSP-D was (11.90 ± 0.12)% under the modified optimal conditions, DMC to crude extract volume ratio 0.6∶1.0, SC concentration 0.18 g/mL, 30 ℃, and pH 6.0. PSP-D had higher carbohydrate contents compared with the PSP-T, obtained from the TPP system with t-butanol and ammonium sulfate. PSP-D and PSP-T had different chemical compositions and molecular weights; however, their preliminary chemical structures remained unchanged. Moreover, PSP-D exhibited stronger free radical-scavenging capability and total antioxidant capacity than PSP-T. Therefore, the TPP system with DMC as an alternative solvent for t-butanol has great potential for efficient partitioning of natural biomolecules.
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