利用电子鼻嗅闻指纹分析、电子舌的滋味指纹分析、模糊数学感官评价、线性多元回归方程、灰色关联分析,对6种不同烟熏液制成的熏牛肉进行品质分析。结果表明,电子鼻检测结果显示主成分1、2的累积贡献率为89.802%,电子舌检测的结果显示主成分1、2的累积贡献率为86.903%,能够反映样品的整体信息。在模糊数学感官评价中,试验组感官评分依次为Oil-H>H>C-10-11>C-10-7>C-10-10>空白;建立了电子鼻的传感器与模糊数学感官评价之间的关联度与线性回归关系,两者之间的灰色相关系数为0.806 4~0.832 6,均大于0.80。由此可见,Oil-H烟熏液为最佳选择。该文建立了电子鼻与模糊数学感官评价之间的联系,为电子鼻等价替代感官分析评价熏牛肉烟熏工艺与品质的可行性和准确性提供技术支撑。
The quality evaluation system of smoked beef made from six smoked liquids was established using electronic nose sniffing fingerprint analysis, electronic tongue flavor fingerprint analysis, fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation, linear multiple regression equation, and gray correlation analysis method. The results showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the main components was 89.802% and 86.903% for electronic nose test and electronic tongue test, respectively, which could reflect the overall information of the sample. Moreover, the sensory scores of the six smoke liquids were in order Oil-H>H>C-10-11>C-10-7>C-10-10> blank in the fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation. And the correlation and linear regression equation between the sensor of the electronic nose and the fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation was established. The correlation coefficients between the sensors of the electronic nose and the sensory scores obtained from fuzzy mathematics were between 0.806 4 and 0.832 6, both greater than 0.80. Based on the above test, the smoked beef produced by adding Oil-H smoke liquid was the best. This study established the direct connection between electronic nose and fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation method, which provided technical support to optimize the smoking beef and improve the evaluation accuracy of smoking beef quality.
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