Chemical methods were used to determine the chemical values of physicochemical properties of shellac. The application of Fourier transform near-infrared spectrum technology was performed to collect near infrared spectra of shellac and the spectral noise eliminated by pretreatment method. And synergy interval partial least (SIPLS) was employed to choose the characteristics of the band and the internal interaction validation method screening principal components number. Finally, the index of physicochemical properties including ash, moisture, cold alcohol soluble, thermal life, acid value and color index of near infrared spectrum quantitative analysis model was established by partial least squares (PLS) regression algorithm. The results showed that the correction determination coefficients (R2c) of ash, moisture, cold alcohol soluble, thermal life, acid value and color index were 0.968, 0.982, 0.945, 0.821, 0.873 and 0.946, respectively. And the root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) was 0.054, 0.081, 1.050, 0.359, 1.230 and 1.880, respectively. Moreover, the determination coefficient (R2p) of validation sets were 0.958, 0.981, 0.904, 0.810, 0.872 and 0.930 for these indexes, and the prediction standard errors (RMSEP) were 0.039, 0.039, 0.039, 0.234, 0.700 and 0.618, respectively. Besides, the relative percent deviation (RPD) values were 5.58, 7.65, 3.30, 2.51, 2.82 and 4.31. Therefore, the near infrared spectroscopy was feasible for the quantitative analysis of thermal life and acid value. But its precision needs to be further improved. For ash, moisture content, cold alcohol soluble and color index of shellac, internal cross validation and external validation sets all proved that the accuracy and prediction performance of the established near-infrared quantitative analysis model were good, which provided a new reference for the research of rapid analysis method of physical and chemical indexes of shellac.
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