姚粟, 王鹏辉, 白飞荣, 于学健, 曹艳花, 程坤, 葛媛媛, 辛迪, 张天赐, 刘艺茹, 蔡程山, 程池
Research on the inventory of microbial food cultures in Chinese traditional fermented foods (2nd edition)
YAO Su, WANG Penghui, BAI Feirong, YU Xuejian, CAO Yanhua, CHENG Kun, GE Yuanyuan, XIN Di, ZHANG Tianci, LIU Yiru, CAI Chengshan, CHENG Chi
食品与发酵工业 . 2022, (1): 272 -285 .  DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.029332