通过乙醇定向驯化获得一株可耐受乙醇体积分数为20%的黄酒酿酒酵母Et 20。研究了不同浓度的脂肪酸、氨基酸、无机盐离子、海藻糖和肌醇对Et 20乙醇耐受性及发酵性能的影响。结果表明,几种添加物都能不同程度的提高Et 20的乙醇耐受性及发酵性能。不同添加物对提高Et 20的乙醇耐受性作用如下:脂肪酸 > 氨基酸 > 无机盐 > 海藻糖 > 肌醇;对发酵性能的促进作用则是:海藻糖 > 脂肪酸 > 氨基酸 > 无机盐 > 肌醇。10%乙醇胁迫下,添加海藻糖可提高39.04%的发酵强度,对提高菌株的乙醇耐受性则不突出,仅可提高15.81%的菌株生物量;促进发酵效果仅次于海藻糖的硬脂酸不仅可提高26.13%的发酵强度,还可提高40%的菌株生物量。研究可为进一步提高酿酒酵母乙醇耐受性及发酵性能奠定基础。
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Et 20 could tolerant ethanol
volume fraction of 20% was acquired by ethanol acclimatization. The effects of
different concentration of fatty acids, amino acids, inorganic ions, trehalose
and inositol on ethanol tolerance of Et 20 were studied. Results showed that all
the additives could improve ethanol tolerance and fermentation performance of Et
20. The order of different additives in enhancing ethanol tolerance of Et 20
was: fatty acids > amino acids > inorganic ions > trehalose >
inositol. While the order of different additives in promoting fermentative
performance of Et 20 was: trehalose > fatty acids > amino acids >
inorganic ions > inositol. Under the stress of 10% ethanol, adding trehalose
improved 39.04% of total fermentation performance. However, effect of trehalose
addition on ethanol tolerance exhibited no outstanding superiority, which only improved
15.81% of strain biomass. The impact of stearic acid on fermentation
performance was next only to trehalose, and adding stearic acid could improve
26.13% of fermentation performance. What’s more, adding stearic acid improved
40% of microorganism biomass under ethanol tolerance of 10%. The study can lay
the groundwork for further improving ethanol tolerance and fermentation
performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.