为研究市售不同品种禽蛋蛋清中氨基酸综合质量的差异,采用氨基酸比值系数法及主成分分析法对六种市售禽蛋蛋清的氨基酸水平和组成进行比较分析,以评价六种禽蛋的营养价值。结果表明,六种市售禽蛋蛋清均含有16种氨基酸且含量丰富,总氨基酸含量在8.977~11.926 mg/100g之间,其中方洪鲜鹌鹑蛋蛋清总氨基酸含量最高。画乡农聪明贝贝蛋、秦巴山土鸡蛋、秦巴山无公害鸡蛋和方洪鲜鹌鹑蛋蛋清必需氨基酸模式较为接近FAO/WHO必需氨基酸模式,必需氨基酸营养价值较高。主成分分析提取3个主成分并对六种市售禽蛋蛋清中氨基酸进行综合评价,结果表明鸟王五谷蛋综合质量最好,其次是方洪鲜鹌鹑蛋和秦巴山无公害鸡蛋。
To study the difference of comprehensive quality of
amino acids in albumen among different commercial eggs, the methods of ratio
coefficient of amino acid and principle components analysis were used to
compare the levels and composition of amino acids in albumen among six
varieties of commercial eggs. Meanwhile it could evaluate the nutritional value
of six kinds of eggs. The result showed that all eggs had 16 kinds of amino
acids in egg white. The total content of amino acids was between 8.977-11.926 mg/100g, and Fanghong quail egg was the
highest. Essential amino acids model in albumen among Huaxiangnong egg,
Qinbashan native egg, Qinbashan pollution-free egg and Fanghong quail egg were
close to FAO/WHO essential amino acids model, which indicated their essential
amino acids had higher nutritional value. Three principal components were
extracted by principal component analysis to establish the comprehensive
evaluation model and evaluate comprehensive
quality of amino acids, results showed that Niaowang grain egg had the best
comprehensive quality, followed by Fanghong quail egg and Qinbashan
pollution-free egg.