以燕麦为原料,加入甜酒曲发酵,研究燕麦甜醅发酵过程中微生物、理化指标及活性成分的变化规律,为控制甜醅发酵过程和判断发酵终点提供技术参数。结果表明,随发酵时间延长,产物pH值明显下降,最低降到4.73,总酸含量显著上升,最高达4.84 g/kg。48 h时,米根霉数量、还原糖含量、氨基酸态氮含量和淀粉酶活力均出现峰值,分别为1.35×104CFU/g、220.3 g/kg、352.0 mg/kg和78.83 U/100 mg,感官评分达到最大值96.50分。整个发酵过程,甜醅中β-葡聚糖和总皂苷含量无明显变化,黄酮含量由251.2 mg/kg减少至179.00 mg/kg,而多酚含量呈现上升趋势,由最初233.6 mg/kg升至505.2 mg/kg,36 h后趋于稳定。大分子燕麦蛋白被显著水解,小分子蛋白逐渐生成。
The changes of microorganism, physichemical parameters and active ingredients during the fermentation of oat with sweet wine starter were studied. The technical parameters were provided to control the fermentation process and judge the end of fermentation. The results showed that pH value decreased rapidly and reached the lowest value of 4.73, and total acid showed a gradual increase to the highest value of 4.84 g/kg during the fermentation of oat. At 48 h, the maximum value ofRhizopus oryzaenumbers, reducing sugar, amino nitrogen and amylase activity were 1.35×104CFU/g, 220.3 g/kg, 352.0 mg/kg and 78.83 U/100mg, respectively. Meanwhile, the sensory score reached the highest value of 96.5. The content of flavonoids β-glucan and total saponins did not change significantly, but the content of flavonoids decreased from 251.2 mg/kg to 179.0 mg/kg during the whole fermentation process. The content of polyphenols increased from 233.6 mg/kg to 505.2 mg/kg and stabilized after 36 h. During fermentation, oat proteins with high molecular weight were significantly hydrolyzed to generate low molecular weight proteins.