考察了5 L发酵罐中大肠杆菌表达枯草芽孢杆菌脂肪酶LipA的发酵特性,诱导2 h后,脂肪酶比活达到最高值18.11 U/mg。建立了E.coli代谢合成脂肪酶的反应网络,并通过代谢通量分析发现,经诱导产酶后,乳酸代谢通量增加,碳流通过糖酵解途径(embden-meyerhof-parnas pathway,EMP)生成乳酸,分流了部分合成生物量的碳流,降低了生物量合成的速率;缬氨酸通量的增加满足了脂肪酶合成的需求;ATP通量的减少,限制了脂肪酶的高效合成。该研究为进一步指导提高生产脂肪酶菌种的发酵条件优化和代谢途径改造提供了理论依据。
This study investigated the fermentation characteristics of lipase LipA of Bacillus subtilis expressed by Escherichia coli in 5 L fermentor. After 2 h of induction, the maximum extracellular activity of lipase reached 18.11 U/mg. A reaction network for metabolic synthesis of lipase by E.coli was established. Through metabolic flux analysis, after inducing enzyme production, the metabolic flux of lactic acid increased. The carbon flux produced lactic acid through the embden-meyerhof-parnas(EMP) pathway, thus diverted the carbon flux of some synthetic biomass, and therefore reduced the biomass synthesis rate. The flux of proline increased to meet the needs of lipase synthesis. The reduction in the ATP flux limited efficient synthesis of lipase. This study provided a theoretical basis for further optimization of fermentation conditions and modification of metabolic pathways of lipase.
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