使用盐酸洛哌丁胺构建小鼠功能性便秘模型,使用高热量饲料构建大鼠营养性肥胖模型。实验动物均按体重随机分成5组:空白对照组、模型对照组和发酵果蔬汁低、中、高3个干预剂量组。3个发酵果蔬汁干预组每天分别灌胃2.1、4.2和8.4 mL/kg发酵果蔬汁,空白对照组和模型对照组在相同时间内每天灌胃蒸馏水。通便功能评价实验检测小肠运动和排便,减肥功能评价实验检测体重和体脂。结果发现发酵果蔬汁组墨汁推进率、排首粒黑便时间和5 h排黑便粒数与模型对照组相比有显著改善;发酵果蔬汁组体重、睾丸及肾周脂肪重和脂/体比显著低于模型对照组。发酵果蔬汁具有一定的通便和减肥功能。
. 发酵果蔬汁的通便和减肥功能[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019
, 45(1)
: 77
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018623
In order to evaluate the functions of fermented fruit and vegetable juices for defecation and weight loss, a functional constipation model of mice was established by loperamide hydrochloride, and a model of nutritional obesity was established by feeding rats high calorie feeds. Mice were randomly divided into five groups based on their weight as follows: the blank control group, the model control group, and three experimental groups. The blank and model control groups were treated with distilled water every day at the same time as the experimental groups were given 2.1 mL/kg, 4.2 mL/kg, and 8.4 mL/kg fermented fruit and vegetable juices. The bowel movement and defecation were measured in laxative function evaluation experiments, and body weight and body fat were measured in weight loss function evaluation experiments. The results showed that the ink propulsion rate, time of producing the first black stool, and the dejection amounts within 5 h were significantly improved in experimental groups compared with the model control group. The body weight, the weight of testicles, perirenal fat, and the ratio of fat weight to body weight in experimental groups were significantly lower than that of the model centrol group. In conclusion, fermented fruit and vegetable juices played an important role in the laxative function and weight loss.
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