红花籽粕中的蛋白质在植物性所含蛋白质中,含量较高,可高达25%~35%。通过测定分子质量和观察微观结构可以得出:红花籽粕蛋白质分子质量一般在20~45 kDa之间,蛋白的分布较为集中;经扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)发现,超微粉碎所得蛋白更细小,更加分散,具有更大的比表面积,显示出更小的结构;超微粉碎出现的结块强度是普通粉碎结块强度的2.5倍,分子间的内聚力为16.962,比普通粉碎提高了45.68%;蛋白粉末流动性是普通粉碎的1.06倍,其流动性稍差于普通粉碎;经超微粉碎处理的红花籽粕比普通粉碎处理的红花籽在溶解性、乳化性和起泡性上分别提高了56.83%、41.60%和36.53%,其功能特性具有良好的改善,可以进行综合性利用。
Safflower meal has higher protein level, up to 25%-35%, comparing to other plant proteins. By measuring the molecular weight and microstructure, the molecular weight of safflower seed meal protein was found to be generally between 20-45 kDa, and the distribution of protein was more concentrated. By using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), protein from safflower seed meal obtained by ultramicro pulverization was found smaller and more dispersed, with a larger specific surface area and a smaller size. The agglomeration ability of superfine comminution was 2.5 times as strong as that of the ordinary comminution. The intermolecular cohesion was 16.962, which was 45.68% higher than that of ordinary comminution. Protein powder fluidity was 1.06 times higher than normal comminution. In other words, its fluidity was slightly worse than the ordinary comminution. The ultrafine pulverized safflower seed meal had higher solubility, emulsifying and foaming properties than the normal pulverized safflower seeds, which were 56.83%, 41.60% and 36.53%, respectively. Overall, the functional characteristics of ultrafine pulverized safflower seed meal had been improved and its comprehensive use could be made.
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