

  • 王昱圭 ,
  • 汤雪纤 ,
  • 刘思媛 ,
  • 张甫生 ,
  • 郑炯
  • 1(西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715);

收稿日期: 2018-03-26

  网络出版日期: 2019-02-21


重庆市社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项(cstc2015 shmszx80007);中央高校基本科研业务费(XDJK2016B035);西南大学本科生科技创新基金项目(20171702003)

The effect of ultrasonic treatment on the rehydration characteristics of Ma bamboo shoot and the analysis of kinetic model

  • WANG Yugui ,
  • TANG Xuexian ,
  • LIU Siyuan ,
  • ZHANG Fusheng ,
  • ZHENG Jiong
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China);
    2(National Demonstration Center for Experimental Food Science and Engineering Education (Southwest University), Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2018-03-26

  Online published: 2019-02-21


为研究超声波处理对麻竹笋干复水特性的影响,在不同超声波功率(100、200、300、400、500 W)和超声温度(50、70、90 ℃)条件下,考察麻竹笋干复水比和复水速率的变化,并分别用Weibull模型、单项扩散模型和Page模型对麻竹笋干复水过程进行动力学拟合。结果表明,超声波功率和温度对麻竹笋干的复水均有较大的影响。随着温度的上升以及超声功率的增大,麻竹笋干的复水比和复水速率均增大。并且,随着超声处理时间的增加,复水比不断增大,复水速率逐渐降低并趋于恒定。当温度为90 ℃、超声波功率为500 W、超声波处理时间为120 min时复水比达到最大,且远远大于未经超声处理的笋干复水比。在3种动力学模型中,Page模型的实测值和预测值拟合程度最好(R2>0.99),能更好地用于描述麻竹笋干复水的过程。


王昱圭 , 汤雪纤 , 刘思媛 , 张甫生 , 郑炯 . 超声波处理对麻竹笋干复水特性的影响及动力学模型[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(2) : 80 -86 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017380


In order to study the effect of ultrasonic treatment on rehydration characteristics of dried Ma bamboo shoot, different ultrasonic power (100, 200, 300, 200, 300 W) and different processing temperatures (50, 70, 90 ℃) were studied to investigate the rehydration ratio and rehydration rate of dried Ma bamboo shoot. The dynamics of dried Ma bamboo shoot was fitted by three models, including Weibull model, single diffusion model and Page model. The results showed that the ultrasonic power and temperature had great influences on rehydrating dried bamboo shoots. With an increase in ultrasonic temperature and power, rehydration ratio and the rehydration rate of the dried bamboo shoots increased. Additionally, as the ultrasonic time increased, the rehydration ratio increased and the rehydration rate decreased and tended to be constant. When the temperature was 90 ℃, the ultrasonic power was 500 W, and the ultrasonic treatment time was 120 min, the rehydration ratio was the highest, which was much higher than the rehydration ratio of dried Ma bamboo shoot with no ultrasonic treatment. Regarding the three kinds of kinetic model fitting, Page mode showed the best fitting degree (R2 > 0.99) between measured and predicted results. Therefore, it can be better used to describe the rehydration process of dried Ma bamboo shoot.


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