

  • 刘文玲 ,
  • 冮洁 ,
  • 解彬 ,
  • 刘煜珺 ,
  • 兰晓勇 ,
  • 韩琳 ,
  • 陈涛涛 ,
  • 庞士磊 ,
  • 邓海平
  • 1(大连民族大学 生命科学学院,辽宁 大连,116600);
    2(铜仁科学院,梵净山生物资源研究所,贵州 铜仁,554300)
硕士研究生(冮洁教授为通讯作者,E-mail:gangjie@ dlnu.edu.cn)。

收稿日期: 2018-03-29

  网络出版日期: 2019-02-21


辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(2015020676);大连民族大学· 铜仁市人民政府联合科研项目;大连民族大学基本科研业务费项目

The distribution of selenium in Lentinus edodes and evaluation of its nutrient value of protein

  • LIU Wenling ,
  • GANG Jie ,
  • XIE Bin ,
  • LIU Yujun ,
  • LAN Xiaoyong ,
  • HAN Lin ,
  • CHEN Taotao ,
  • PANG Shilei ,
  • DENG Haiping
  • 1(Dalian Minzu University, College of Life Sciences, Dalian 116600, China);
    2(Tongren Academy of Sciences, Fanjing Mountain Biological Resources Institute, Tongren 554300, China)

Received date: 2018-03-29

  Online published: 2019-02-21


以香菇(Lentinus edodes)为原料,将亚硒酸钠作为硒源,采用不同硒浓度对香菇进行栽培,考察硒在香菇子实体中的分布规律,并根据氨基酸平衡理论对富硒香菇蛋白质营养价值进行评价。结果表明,随着添加外源硒浓度的增加,香菇子实体的硒浓度有显著的提高。当添加亚硒酸钠浓度为100 mg/kg时栽培出的香菇硒浓度可以达到225.13 mg/kg。且发现蛋白质是硒在香菇子实体中最主要的有机载体。对不同硒浓度下的富硒香菇蛋白质营养价值进行评价,在硒浓度为60 mg/kg时,富硒香菇中必需氨基酸含量、化学评分、必需氨基酸指数、生物价、营养指数分别比未富硒组提高了5.49%、1.78%、4.59%、5.41%和6.51%,说明富硒栽培可提高香菇子实体的蛋白质营养价值。


刘文玲 , 冮洁 , 解彬 , 刘煜珺 , 兰晓勇 , 韩琳 , 陈涛涛 , 庞士磊 , 邓海平 . 富硒香菇硒分布和蛋白质营养价值的评价[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(2) : 101 -106 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017416


This research aimed to study the selenium-enriched Lentinus edodes. Taking sodium selenite as the source of selenium, different selenium concentrations were used to cultivate Lentinus edodes. The distribution of selenium in Lentinus edodes was investigated. According to the amino acid balance theory, the nutrition value of selenium-riched Lentinus edodes in terms of protein was evaluated. The results showed that with the concentration of exogenous selenium increased, the concentration of selenium in Lentinus edodes was significantly improved. When the concentration of sodium selenite was 100 mg/kg, the selenium concentration of Lentinus edodes cultivated could reach to 225.13 mg/kg. Protein was the main organic carrier of selenium in Lentinus edodes. When comparing Lentinus edodes cultivated under different selenium concentrations, it was found that at the concentration of 60 mg/kg, the amino acid contents, chemical score, amino acid index, biological valence, and nutritional index were 5.49%, 1.78%, 4.59%, 5.41% and 6.51%, respectively. This showed that the selenium-riched culture can enhance the nutritional value of Lentinus edodes in terms of its protein.


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