滁州地区薄荷种植历史悠久,面积广泛,具有薄荷蜂蜜开发的资源优势。通过对理化成分的测定分析及对比研究,初步探讨了滁州薄荷蜂蜜的品质特性。研究表明滁州薄荷蜂蜜不仅主要理化成分达到行业一级标准,而且具有高成熟度、高果糖含量(48.42 g/100 g)和低葡萄糖含量(27.89 g/100 g)的食用特性。与常见蜂蜜品种相比,滁州薄荷蜂蜜颜色极深,并呈现出总酚酸含量高、抗氧化性强及风味独特的品质优势。其总酚酸含量为120.83 mg/100 g,是对照组洋槐蜂蜜的6.53倍,相同质量浓度的自由基清除率为对照品洋槐蜂蜜的1.65倍。研究中还发现,与蜂蜜通常具有的成熟度高则其酸度低的规律不同,滁州薄荷蜂蜜同时具有高酸度和高成熟度的特性。作为特色品种蜂蜜,滁州薄荷蜂蜜不仅具有市场开发潜能,其高酸度的形成机理及食用功能性也有待深入探讨。
Chuzhou peppermint cultivation has a long history and a broad planting area. It is a promising resources for development with advantages. In this paper, the quality characteristics of peppermint honey were primarily discussed through the determination and analysis of physicochemical components of peppermint honey. The results showed that the advantages of peppermint honey including high maturity, high fructose content (48.42 g/100 g) and low glucose content (27.89 g/ 100 g). Moreover, the main components of Chuzhou peppermint honey had reached the industrial first grade standard. Compared with common honey, peppermint honey had an extremely dark color. It also showed high total phenolic acid content, strong antioxidant capacity and special flavor characteristics. Its total phenolic acid content was 120.83 mg / 100 g, which was 6.53 times higher than commercial acacia honey. Furthermore, the free radical scavenging rate of peppermint honey with the same mass concentration as commercial acacia honey was 1.65 times higher. The study also found that peppermint honey had both high acidity and high maturity properties, while common honey usually has a high degree of maturity with low acidity. As a special nectar honey, peppermint honey has potential for market development. Its high acidity formation mechanism and food functionality need to be further explored in the future.
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