

  • 瞿丞 ,
  • 贺稚非 ,
  • 李洪军
  • 1(西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715);
硕士研究生(李洪军教授为通讯作者,E-mail:9833 62225@qq.com)。

收稿日期: 2018-03-09

  网络出版日期: 2019-02-21



Progress in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and itsapplications in food analysis

  • QU Cheng ,
  • HE Zhifei ,
  • LI Hongjun
  • 1(College of Food Science,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715, China);
    2(Chongqing EngineeringResearch Center of Regional Food,Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2018-03-09

  Online published: 2019-02-21


激光诱导击穿光谱(laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,LIBS)技术是一种基于原子发射光谱的快速分析技术,文章主要介绍了LIBS技术的原理、定量分析的影响因素以及提高光谱信号的技术方法。综述了LIBS技术在食品掺假分析、食品营养物质分析、食品有害物质检测、食品分类鉴定和食品元素分布分析等方面的应用研究进展。最后总结了LIBS技术在食品行业中存在的问题,并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望。


瞿丞 , 贺稚非 , 李洪军 . 激光诱导击穿光谱技术在食品分析中的应用研究进展[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(2) : 260 -268 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017229


Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a rapid analysis technique based on atomic emission spectroscopy. This paper mainly introduced the principle of LIBS, the influencing factors of quantitative analysis and the technical methods to improve the spectral signal. The application progress of LIBS technology for food adulteration analysis, food nutrient analysis, food harmful substances detection, food classification and identification and food element distribution analysis were reviewed. Finally, the problems of LIBS technology in the food industry have been sumarized, and the future development direction of LIBS technology also has been prospected.


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