

  • 刘姗 ,
  • 杨柳 ,
  • 何述栋 ,
  • 孙汉巨 ,
  • 姚升飞 ,
  • 徐尚英
  • 1 (合肥工业大学 食品科学与工程学院,安徽 合肥,230009)
    2 (安徽海神黄酒集团有限公司,安徽 庐江,231561)

收稿日期: 2017-12-22

  网络出版日期: 2019-03-11



Effect of enzymolysis of rice wine lees on cooking wine fermentation

  • LIU Shan ,
  • YANG Liu ,
  • HE Shudong ,
  • SUN Hanju ,
  • YAO Shengfei ,
  • XU Shangying
  • 1(College of Food Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
    2(Anhui Haishen rice wine Group Co. Ltd, Lujiang 231561, China)

Received date: 2017-12-22

  Online published: 2019-03-11


为提高产品质量和黄酒糟的利用价值,以黄酒糟酶解物作为辅料生产料酒,探讨预处理方法对黄酒糟中酵母蛋白溶出率的影响,蛋白酶种类对黄酒糟蛋白酶解的影响,及酶解物的添加形式和添加量对料酒发酵的影响。沸水浴处理5 min有利于黄酒糟中酵母蛋白溶出,酵母蛋白溶出率较对照增加48.21%;选择碱性蛋白酶酶解黄酒糟;以黄酒糟酶解混合物作为辅料,添加量为2.0 g/L,与米醪共发酵制备料酒,料酒原酒液中氨基酸态氮和游离氨基酸含量分别为0.521 g/L和3.553 g/L,较对照分别提高391.51%和404.69%,其中氨基酸风味比值(鲜味和甜味氨基酸含量之和与苦味和涩味氨基酸含量之和的比值)为0.690,较对照提高62.35%。


刘姗 , 杨柳 , 何述栋 , 孙汉巨 , 姚升飞 , 徐尚英 . 酶解黄酒糟对料酒发酵的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(3) : 148 -152 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016581


In order to improve the product quality and utilization value of rice wines lees, producing cooking wine using protease hydrolysates of rice wine lees was investigated. The effects of pretreatment methods on dissolution rate of yeast protein, effects of protease kinds on enzymatic hydrolysis of lees protein and also effects of the addition form and amount of enzyme hydrolysates on the fermentation of wine were explored. The results showed that using boiling water bath for 5 min was beneficial for dissoluting yeast protein and the dissolution rate of yeast protein increased by 48.21% compared with that of control. Alkaline protease was selected to hydrolyze rice wine lees. Cooking wine was produced using 2.0 g/L protease hydrolysate mixture of lees as adjuvant together with rice mash. Amino acid nitrogen and free amino acids contents in base liquor were 0.521 g/L and 3.553 g/L, respectively, which were 391.51% and 404.69% higher than those of control, respectively. The amino acid flavor ratio (the sum of umami amino acids and sweet amino acids to the sum of bitter amino acids and astringent amino acids) was 0.690, which was 62.35% higher than that of control


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