对麻辣鸡块模拟变温物流过程(冷藏库贮存-控温包装常温运输-家用或门店商用冰箱贮存),在常温运输结束时(第5天)对麻辣鸡块分别采取不处理、间歇微波处理(微波30 s-间歇降温60 s-再微波30 s)与连续微波处理(微波60 s),探究在物流温度升高后采用间歇微波处理抑制麻辣鸡块品质劣变的效果。结果表明,2种微波处理方式均能有效地避免麻辣鸡块水分散失,有效延缓货架期间鸡块pH值、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen,TVB-N)值的上升和菌落总数的增长;间歇微波处理能延长物流期限至第35天,且风味、色泽和组织状态保持更好,保鲜效果最佳,但对脂肪氧化无明显抑制作用;综合来看,间歇微波处理比连续微波处理能更好地控制麻辣鸡块变温物流过程中的品质劣变。
The temperature changing logistics (cold storage, transported at room temperature with insulating packaging for 3 days, stored in household or commercial refrigerator ) of spicy chicken was studied to investigate the effect of intermittent microwave treatment on suppressing the inferior quality of spicy chicken slice. At the end of transportation at normal temperature (day 5), the spicy chicken was left untreated or treated by intermittent microwave (microwave for 30 s, intermittent cooling for 60 s, re-microwave for 30 s) and continuous microwave (microwave for 60 s). The results showed that two kinds of microwave treatments effectively avoided water loss from spicy chicken, and delayed increases in pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) value, and total number of colonies during shelf life. The intermittent microwave treatment prolonged the logistics period to 35 days, and the flavor, color, and texture of the tissue maintained better with the best preservative effects. However, the intermittent microwave treatment had no obvious inhibitory effect on fat oxidation. In summary, intermittent microwave treatment has better effects on controlling quality deterioration of spicy chicken during temperature changing logistics.
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