

  • 文静 ,
  • 代建武 ,
  • 张黎骅
  • (四川农业大学 机电学院,四川 雅安, 625100)

收稿日期: 2018-05-23

  网络出版日期: 2019-03-26



Microwave intermittent drying characteristics and model fitting for apple slices

  • WEN Jing ,
  • DAI Jianwu ,
  • ZHANG Lihua
  • (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya′an 625100,China)

Received date: 2018-05-23

  Online published: 2019-03-26


利用微波在线检测装置将微波间歇干燥技术用于苹果片薄层干燥试验,研究了苹果片在700、600、450、250 W功率,切片厚度为3、5、7、9 mm,单次微波加热时间4、5、6、7 s下的干燥动力学特性。试验结果表明,苹果片微波间歇干燥过程属于降速干燥。微波功率、切片厚度、加热时间对干燥过程影响显著。水分有效扩散系数随着干燥功率的升高、切片厚度的增加、加热时间的延长而增加。通过模型拟合可知Weibull模型具有较高的预测精度,能很好地描述苹果片微波间歇干燥试验过程规律,利用逐步回归法,确定了Weibull模型参数α、β的表达式。模型的尺度参数α随功率增大、厚度减小、加热时间增加而减小,说明增大干燥功率、减小切片厚度、延长加热时间可以显著缩短干燥时间、提高干燥效率。功率、厚度和加热时间对形状参数β影响很小,说明干燥过程中物料状态变化较小。


文静 , 代建武 , 张黎骅 . 苹果片微波间歇干燥特性及模型拟合[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(4) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017842


Microwave intermittent drying technology was applied to thin-layer drying of apple slices by microwave on-line detection device. The drying dynamics of apple slices microwaved at 700 W, 600 W, 450 W and 250W, with slice thickness of 3 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm and 9 mm, and heating for 4 s, 5 s, 6 s and 7 s were studied. The results showed that the microwave drying process of apple slices belongs to decelerate drying. Microwave power, slice thickness, and heating time had significant effects on the drying process. The effective diffusion coefficient of moisture increased with increasing drying power, slice thickness, and the extension of heating time. The model fitting showed that the Weibull model had a higher prediction accuracy and could be used to sufficiently predict and describe the intermittent microwave drying process of apple. Stepwise regression method was used to establish the expressions of modeling parameters α and β. The scale parameter α of the model decreased with increasing power, decreasing thickness, and increasing heating time, which means that increasing the drying power, reducing the slice thickness, and prolonging the heating time could significantly shorten the drying time and improve the drying efficiency. The power, thickness, and heating time had little influences on the shape parameter β, which means that the material state changed little during drying process.


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