为了提高料酒的营养价值和风味,以粳米为主要原料、杏鲍菇为辅料进行共发酵制备杏鲍菇料酒。以氨基酸态氮含量和感官评价为衡量指标,探究了杏鲍菇的添加时间和添加量对料酒中氨基酸态氮、游离氨基酸和挥发性风味物质的影响。在发酵72 h时,将杏鲍菇以2.5%的添加量添加至米醪中共发酵制备杏鲍菇料酒,料酒原酒液中酒精度、氨基酸态氮含量和感官评分分别为15.01% (体积分数)、0.414 g/L和99分,游离氨基酸和必需氨基酸含量较对照组分别增加了375.24%和512.69%,其中氨基酸风味比值为0.815,较对照组增加了68.04%。料酒中挥发性风味物质主要有β-苯乙醇、1-辛烯-3-醇、异戊醇、乙酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、琥珀酸二乙酯、异戊醛,它们的含量分别为128.315、15.356、111.514、40.236、71.067、15.320、4.024 mg/L。
In order to improve the nutritional values and flavor of cooking wines, a Pleurotus eryngii cooking wine was produced using japonica rice as the main raw material supplemented with Pleurotus eryngii sporophore. Changes in amino acid nitrogen, free amino acids, and volatile compounds were analyzed. With 2.5% Pleurotus eryngii sporophore added after fermenting for 72 h, the contents of alcohol and amino acid nitrogen, as well as the sensory score of the cooking wine were 15.01% (v/v), 0.414 g/L, and 99, respectively. The contents of free amino acid and essential amino acids in the base liquor increased 375.24 % and 512.69 %, respectively, higher than those of the control. The amino acid flavor ratio was 0.815, which was 68.04 % higher than that of the control. The main volatile compounds were β-phenyl ethanol (128.3 mg/L), 1-octen-3-ol (15.4 mg/L), isoamyl alcohol (111.5 mg/L), ethyl acetate (40.2 mg/L), ethyl lactate (71.1 mg/L), diethyl succinate (15.3 mg/L), and isovaleraldehyde (4.0 mg/L).
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