以短波紫外线照射后双孢菇为实验材料,采用高效液相色谱法测定维生素D2(VD2)的含量,利用响应面法优化其VD2的皂化工艺。利用单因素实验确定的醇碱体积比,以液固比、皂化温度、皂化时间为自变量,VD2的提取量为响应值,采用响应面法分析研究各因素对VD2的提取量的影响,确定最佳工艺参数。结果表明,双孢菇中VD2的最佳皂化工艺为醇碱体积比2∶1,液固比12∶1(mL∶g),皂化温度75 ℃,皂化时间63 min,此条件下,VD2提取量为8.13 μg/g,与理论值相近。实验建立的皂化工艺切实可行,为食用菌中VD2的开发利用提供理论参考。
This study was conducted to optimize the saponification process of vitamin D2(VD2)in white button mushrooms by response surface methodology after irradiating the mushrooms by UV-C. The VD2 content was measured by high performance liquid chromatography. Volume ratio of alcohol to alkali was determined by single factor experiments. The liquid to solid ratio, saponification temperature, and saponification time were taken as independent variables, and the amount of VD2 extracted was the response value. The effects of various factors on extracting VD2 and the optimum process parameters were determined by the response surface methodology. The results showed that the best saponification process of VD2 in white button mushrooms was as follows: the volume ratio of alcohol to alkali was 2∶1(V∶V), the liquid-solid ratio was 12∶1(mL∶g), the saponification temperature was 75 ℃, and the saponification time was 63 min. Under this condition, the amount of VD2 extracted was 8.13 μg/g, which was similar to the theoretical value. The established saponification process is practical, and it provides a theoretical reference for the development and utilization of VD2 in the mushroom.
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