

  • 信思悦 ,
  • 唐玲 ,
  • 盛怀宇 ,
  • 陈善敏 ,
  • 王振帅 ,
  • 蒋和体
  • (西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400716)

网络出版日期: 2019-03-25

Effects of ageing methods on physicochemical properties and in vitro antioxidant activities of fig fruit wine

  • XIN Siyue ,
  • TANG Ling ,
  • SHENG Huaiyu ,
  • CHEN Shanmin ,
  • WANG Zhenshuai ,
  • JIANG Heti
  • (College of Food Science,Southwest University,Chongqing 400716,China)

Online published: 2019-03-25


选择红外催陈、冷热交替、自然陈酿3种陈酿方式,探讨陈酿对无花果果酒理化特性和体外抗氧化性的影响。对陈酿后果酒的总酸、总酯、透光率、感官品质、总酚、多糖、总黄酮和体外抗氧化性进行分析。结果表明:陈酿后果酒总酯含量均显著高于新酒,总酚、多糖、总黄酮和体外抗氧化性能均有不同程度的下降。红外催陈15 h后,果酒的理化指标为:总酸4.9 g/L、总酯2.25 g/L、透光率81.6%、总酚1.61 g/L、多糖1.35 g/L、总黄酮0.63 g/L、DPPH自由基清除率为5.53 mg(抗坏血酸)/L、超氧阴离子自由基清除率为10.39 mg(抗坏血酸)/L、总还原能力38.95 mg(抗坏血酸)/L,感官评分85.53分,在达到无花果果酒后熟效果且增加口感的同时,能更好地保留无花果果酒的体外抗氧化性能,综合品质较好。


信思悦 , 唐玲 , 盛怀宇 , 陈善敏 , 王振帅 , 蒋和体 . 陈酿方式对无花果果酒理化特性及体外抗氧化性的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(5) : 121 -126 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018904


To investigate the effects of different aging methods on the physicochemical properties and in vitro antioxidant activities of fig fruit wine, three ageing methods were studied, including infrared ageing, alternation of cold and heat ageing, and natural aging. The total acid, total ester, transmittance, sensory quality, total phenols, polysaccharides, total flavonoids, and in vitro antioxidant activities in aged wine were analyzed. The results showed that the content of total ester in aged wine was significantly higher than that in the new wine (P<0.05), while the contents of total phenol, polysaccharides, and total flavonoids, as well as in vitro antioxidant properties decreased in varying degrees. The physical and chemical indexes of fruit wine after infrared aging for 15 h were as follows: 4.9 g/L total acid, 2.25 g/L total ester, 81.6% light transmittance, sensory score of 85.53, 1.61 g/L total phenol, 1.35 g/L polysaccharides, 0.63 g/L flavonoids, DPPH radical scavenging rate of 5.53 mg ascorbic acid/L, superoxide anion radical scavenging rate of 10.39 mg ascorbic acid/L, and total reduction capacity of 39.95 mg ascorbic acid/L. Infrared aging could not only increase the taste of fig fruit wine but also preserve the antioxidant properties of the wine. In conclusion, fig fruit wine aged by infrared had the best overall quality.


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