

  • 牛耀星 ,
  • 贠建民 ,
  • 李彦虎 ,
  • 郭娟 ,
  • 邓展瑞 ,
  • 刘小霞
  • (甘肃农业大学 食品科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州,730070)

网络出版日期: 2019-03-25



Effect of Bacillus pumilus HN-10 antimicrobial peptide P-2 on preserving Agaricus bisporus

  • NIU Yaoxing ,
  • YUN Jianmin ,
  • LI Yanhu ,
  • GUO Juan ,
  • DENG Zhanrui ,
  • LIU Xiaoxia
  • (College of Food Science and Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070,China)

Online published: 2019-03-25


为了防止双孢蘑菇采后微生物侵染引起的子实体腐败变质问题,延长双孢蘑菇的保质期,以新鲜的双孢蘑菇子实体为材料,以产抗菌肽P-2的短小芽孢菌HN-10菌株(Bacillus pumilus)的发酵液粗提物为防腐保鲜剂,经无菌水稀释为1∶1、1∶2、1∶3 (V/V)比例的梯度稀释液后对双孢蘑菇进行喷涂处理,开展了在常温(25±1)℃条件下的最优浓度筛选试验和低温(4±1)℃条件下的防腐保鲜贮藏试验。结果表明,常温下抗菌肽P-2保鲜双孢蘑菇最优稀释比例为1∶1 (V/V),在贮藏3 d时,处理组仍保持着一定的感官品质和较低的腐烂指数。低温贮藏条件下抗菌肽P-2处理能显著抑制双孢蘑菇的菌落总数的上升,降低双孢蘑菇的失重,维持稳定的可溶性蛋白质含量,有效抑制PPO活性的增加,在贮藏5 d时,仍保持着良好的感官品质和一定的商品价值。可见,低温(4±1)℃条件下结合抗菌肽P-2处理对双孢蘑菇有良好保鲜效果,延长了双孢蘑菇的保质期,可为食用菌抗菌肽保鲜剂的开发提供技术参考和依据。


牛耀星 , 贠建民 , 李彦虎 , 郭娟 , 邓展瑞 , 刘小霞 . 短小芽孢菌HN-10抗菌肽P-2对双孢蘑菇保鲜效果的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(5) : 133 -139 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018917


In order to prevent mushroom spoilage caused by postharvest microbial infection and prolong its shelf-life, effects of Bacillus pumilus HN-10 antimicrobial peptide P-2 on preserving Agaricus bisporus were studied. Fresh Agaricus bisporus was used as raw material, antimicrobial peptide P-2 extracted from fermentation broth of B. pumilus HN-10 was used as the preservative and sprayed to Agaricus bisporus with different concentrations(the gradient dilution ratio was 1∶1 ,1∶2, and 1∶3(V/V), using sterile water). The optimal concentration of antimicrobial peptide P-2 was selected at room temperature (25±1)℃, and the preservation and storage experiments were conducted at low temperature (4±1)℃. The results showed that the optimal dilution ratio was 1∶1 (V/V) at room temperature. After storing for 3 days, treated mushrooms still maintained certain sensory qualities and their decay indexes were relatively low. The antimicrobial peptide P-2 could significantly inhibit the increase of total number of bacterial colonies of Agaricus bisporus, reduce the weight loss, maintain a stable soluble protein content, and effectively inhibit PPO activity under low-temperature storage conditions. After 5 days of storage, treated mushrooms still maintained good sensory qualities and certain commercial values. Therefore, low temperature storage (4±1)℃ together with antimicrobial peptides P-2 treatment had good preservative effects on Agaricus bisporus and prolonged its shelf-life, which could provide technical reference for developing antimicrobial peptides preservatives for edible mushrooms.


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