为探讨超声联合杀菌对火龙果汁品质及抗氧化性的影响,采用超声-微波联合杀菌(ultrasonic - microwave combination sterilization,UMC)、超声-中温联合杀菌(ultrasonic - moderate temperature combination sterilization,UMTC)对比巴氏杀菌,对火龙果汁杀菌后菌落总数、色泽、理化指标、感官品质进行比较分析,采用DPPH自由基法、羟自由基法等4种体外抗氧化体系评估抗氧化能力。结果表明,3种杀菌方法处理后的火龙果汁菌落总数均能达到GB 7101—2015国家标准,巴氏杀菌导致火龙果汁褐变指数较高,营养物质保留效果较差;UMTC杀菌后火龙果汁多酚含量提高,自由基清除率相比巴氏杀菌有显著差异(P<0.05),但营养物质损失较大;UMC杀菌后火龙果汁Vc、花色苷、多酚等保留量均最高,感官品质较好,抗氧化活性高。
In order to explore the effects of ultrasonic combined with sterilization on quality and antioxidant capacity of pitaya juice, ultrasonic-microwave combination sterilization (UMC) and ultrasonic-moderate temperature combination sterilization (UMTC) were used to compare against pasteurization. The total number of bacterial colonies, color, physical and chemical indexes, and sensory quality of pitaya juice after sterilization were compared and analyzed. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated by four in vitro antioxidant systems, including DPPH free radical method, and hydroxyl free radical method etc. The results showed that the aerobic bacterial count of pitaya juice treated by all these three sterilization methods could reach the national standard GB 7101—2015. Pasteurization resulted in high browning index of pitaya juice and poor retention of nutrients. After UMTC sterilization, the contents of polyphenols in pitaya juice increased, the free radical scavenging rate was significantly different than that of pasteurization (P<0.05), but the loss of nutrients was large. After UMC sterilization, retention of Vc, anthocyanin, polyphenol and others in pitaya juice were the highest, with good sensory quality and high antioxidant activity.
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