利用顶空固相微萃取(head space solid phase microextraction, HS-SPME)偶联气质联用法(gas-chromatography mass spectrometry, GC-MS)研究了不同空间层次的五粮液出窖糟醅和与之对应的窖泥的香气成分。研究结果表明,共定量了97种香气成分,包括57种酯、10种酸、12种醇、3种醛酮、12种芳香族和3种其他成分。五粮液窖边糟和窖泥中优势香气成分的组成具有高度相似性。窖边糟中香气成分的含量显著高于中心糟。同时,窖边糟中较中心糟优势的香气成分在窖泥中均有检出且含量较高。该研究揭示了不同空间层次糟醅与窖泥的相互影响程度,对全面认识窖池内物质循环及微生物作用具有一定的借鉴意义。
Volatile compounds in fermented grains (FG) and their corresponding pit muds (PM) from different spatial positions were analyzed by head space solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that a total of ninety-seven compounds were quantified, including fifty-seven esters, ten acids, twelve alcohols, three aldehydes and ketones, twelve aromatics, and three other compounds. Highly similar volatile constitution was detected between cellar-wall FGs and PM samples. The level of volatile compounds detected in cellar-wall FGs was significantly higher than those in the cellar-central FGs. Meanwhile, major compounds in cellar-wall FGs were also identified in PM from the same layer with high quantities. This study revealed the influencing level between fermented grains and pit muds at different spatial layers, which may provide useful information for understanding substances recycling and the effects of microbes in cellar.
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