The proteolytic rate of fermented grain is an important factor that affects flavor quality of sesame-flavor liquor. The level of proteolytic rate inevitably leads to differences in the final fermentation results of sesame-flavor liquor. To study the effects of proteolytic rate on fermentation process and original liquor quality, protein hydrolysates were directly added to the cellar fermentation system. The results showed that high proteolysis rate affected final physiochemical results of fermentation by catalyzing the occurrence of Maillard reaction and microbial synergistic metabolisms of yeast, Bacillus, and bacteria. In terms of liquor quality, high proteolytic rate mainly enhanced the aroma of the paste, increased the concentration of phenolic substances, and promoted the production of pyridines. Besides, high proteolytic rate was beneficial for producing thiazoles and dimethyl trisulfide during cellar fermentation. The overall effects of high proteolytic rate showed that the kind and concentration of flavor substances increased, with the concentration of pyrazines increased significantly in particular. However, the liquor flavor produced new defects. Therefore, a suitable rate of proteolysis has important effects on liquor quality. In addition, 2,4,5-trimethylthiazole was firstly discovered in sesame-flavor liquor.
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