研究汽爆(steam explosion,SE)耦合同步糖化发酵(simultaneous saccharification and fermentation,SSF)新工艺对麦麸粉理化指标及感官评价的影响。汽爆麦麸粉是以蒸汽为汽爆介质,条件为0.8 MPa维压时间5 min,处理后的麦麸与纤维素/淀粉酶和乳酸菌/酵母进行组合预处理,分别对不同工艺下麦麸的理化指标和感官品质进行分析。结果表明,经过SCL组合预处理后麦麸粉的苦味值最低(22.9±2.89),酸度(0.52±0.046) mol/L,pH值4.64,酸味适中;∣△E∣值达到最小为(25.6±2.58),色泽为深红棕色,接近咖啡色;感官总分达到最高,变异系数最低,其数值分别为8.62分和8.78%。SCL组合预处理后麦麸的理化指标和感官品质得到了显著提高和改善,该结果对于麦麸在食品行业的应用和开发具有一定的指导意义。
Wheat bran was firstly treated by steam explosion for 5 min at 0.8 MPa, followed by hydrolysis with cellulose or α-amylase in combination with Lactobacillus or yeast fermentation. Physiochemical indexes and sensory quality of treated wheat bran powder were evaluated. The results showed that the wheat bran powder treated by steam explosion-assisted with cellulase/lactic acid bacteria (SCL) had the lowest bitterness value (22.9±2.89), and its acidity was (0.52±0.046) mol/L. Its pH value was 4.64 with moderate sourness. Its ∣△E∣ reached a minimum of (25.6±2.58), and its color was close to brownness. It had the highest sensory score with the lowest variable coefficient, which were 8.62 and 8.78%, respectively. In conclusion, the SCL pretreatment significantly improved the physiochemical indexes and sensory quality of wheat bran powder. The results have certain significance for applying and developing the use of wheat bran in food industries.
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