

  • 高艺敏 ,
  • 张震 ,
  • 陈佩敏 ,
  • 陈钦 ,
  • 周允莹 ,
  • 汪勇 ,
  • 张宁
  • 1(暨南大学 食品科学与工程系,广东高校油脂生物炼制工程技术研究中心,广东 广州,510632)
    2(广东省粮油副产物生物炼制工程技术研究中心,暨南大学“油料生物炼制与营养”联合实验室,广东 广州,510632)

收稿日期: 2018-04-18

  网络出版日期: 2019-04-18


国家自然科学基金项目(3170152531671781、317015 25);广东省科技计划项目(2017B090907018、2014 A010107014);清远市科技计划项目(2016D008)

Preparation and comparison of ferulic acid solid lipid nano-particles made by emulsification evaporation and thin film-ultrasonic method

  • GAO Yimin ,
  • ZHANG Zhen ,
  • CHEN Peimin ,
  • CHEN Qin ,
  • ZHOU Yunying ,
  • WANG Yong ,
  • ZHANG Ning
  • 1(Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Guangdong University of Petroleum Biorefinery Engineering Technology Research Center, Guangzhou 510632, China)
    2 (Guangdong Province Grain and Oil by-product Biorefinery Engineering Technology Research Center, Jinan University-Saskatchewan University Joint Laboratory of Oil Biorefinery and Nutrition, Guangzhou 510632, China)

Received date: 2018-04-18

  Online published: 2019-04-18


阿魏酸在食品医药行业应用广泛,但是容易受温度、pH等环境因素的影响。固体脂质纳米粒(solid lipid nanoparticles, SLNs)能有效地保护生物活性物质不被降解。采用薄膜-超声法和乳化挥发法制备阿魏酸固体脂质纳米粒(ferulic acid loaded SLNs, FA-SLNs),通过单因素实验进行制备工艺的选择,分别得到薄膜-超声法和乳化挥发法制备FA-SLNs的适宜工艺条件。实验结果表明,采用薄膜-超声法制备FA-SLNs,阿魏酸添加量10%(质量分数),卵磷脂添加量90%(质量分数),超声时间5 min,可得平均粒径44.33 nm,电位-12.35 mV的FA-SLNs,包封率为62.97%;采用乳化挥发法制备FA-SLNs,阿魏酸添加量4%(质量分数),卵磷脂的添加量16%(质量分数),单硬脂酸甘油酯的添加量80%(质量分数),聚醚F-68质量浓度10 g/L,可得平均粒径141.37 nm,电位-10.25 mV的FA-SLNs,包封率为69.54%。薄膜-超声法制得FA-SLNs的粒径较小,乳化挥发法制得的FA-SLNs包封率较高,2种方式在适宜工艺条件下制备得到的样品在4 ℃下能够稳定储存21 d,未见明显沉淀。


高艺敏 , 张震 , 陈佩敏 , 陈钦 , 周允莹 , 汪勇 , 张宁 . 乳化挥发法和薄膜-超声法制备阿魏酸固体脂质纳米粒工艺比较[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(6) : 127 -132 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017585


Ferulic acid has been widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries, but it is easily affected by environmental factors, such as temperature and pH. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) can effectively protect biologically active substances from degradation. Therefore, ferulic acid loaded SLNs (FA-SLNs) were prepared by thin membrane-ultrasonic method and emulsification-evaporation method. Single-factor experiments were used to select the optimal processing conditions to prepare FA-SLNs by each method. The results showed that FA-SLNs with average particle size of 44.33 nm and potential of -12.35 mV were obtained by thin film-ultrasonic method, with 40 mg ferulic acid (10%, w/w) and lecithin (90%,w/w) added, and the ultrasonic time was 5 min. The encapsulation efficiency was 62.97%. FA-SLNs prepared by emulsification and evaporation method had ferulic acid (4% w/w), lecithin (16% w/w), and monoglyceride (80%, w/w) added, and the concentration of polyether F-68 added was 10 g/L. The average particle size of FA-SLNs prepared under this condition was 141.37 nm, the potential was -10.25 mV, and the encapsulation efficiency was 69.54%. The size of FA-SLNs prepared by thin film-ultrasonic method was smaller, and the encapsulation efficiency of FA-SLNs prepared by emulsification and evaporation method was higher. Moreover, samples prepared under the optimal conditions for both methods could be stored stably for 21 days at 4 ℃ without observing any precipitates.


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