以金针菇为原料,研究抗性材料苯并噻重氮结合不同包装材料处理对金针菇贮藏品质及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,苯并噻重氮(acibenzolar-S-methyl,ASM)结合不同包装材料处理能有效降低金针菇呼吸强度、抑制丙二醛的产生、减轻失重率、保留VC,并维持固有色泽;能提高金针菇过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,增强金针菇清除活性氧自由基的能力;同时能降低多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性以减少酶促褐变。最后,实验得到0.75 mmol/L ASM与PE膜无孔包装结合对保持金针菇贮藏品质效果最优,为金针菇的贮藏保鲜提供了数据参考。
The effects of Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) on storage quality and enzyme activity of Flammulina velutipes were investigated. The results indicated that ASM could effectively reduce the respiration intensity of Flammulina velutipes and inhibit the formation of malondialdehyde. Besides, ASM reduced the weight loss rate, retained vitamin C and nature color. The activities of peroxidase and superoxide diamutase also improved, which enhanced the ability of Flammulina velutipes to eliminate reactive oxygen free radicals. Moreover, the activity of polyphenol oxidase was lowered and hence reduced enzymatic browning. Lastly, 0.75 mmol/L ASM was found to have the best preservative effects when combined with PE film packing, which provides reference for storing Flammulina velutipes.
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