以鲜猪肉、香芋粉和大米粉为原料,利用双螺杆挤压膨化技术研制一款咸味型香芋猪肉膨化食品。试验选取机筒温度(X1)、螺杆转速(X2)、物料湿度(X3)作为主要工艺参数,以断裂力、糊化度、膨化度、水分含量、感官评价作为评价指标,通过正交试验进行优化。结果表明,优化后工艺条件为机筒温度150 ℃,螺杆转速45 Hz, 物料湿度15%,挤压膨化效果最佳。
. 香芋猪肉膨化食品的双螺杆挤压工艺研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019
, 45(6)
: 193
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018244
Fresh pork, taro powder and rice powder were used as raw materials, a salt-flavored taro and pork puffing food was manufactured by using double screw extruding technology. The tube temperature (X1), screw speed (X2) and material humidity (X3) were selected as the main process parameters. Fracture force, degree of gelatinization, degree of puffing, moisture content and sensory evaluation were used as indicators. The process was optimized through orthogonal tests. The results showed that the best processing conditions were as follows: 150 ℃ tube temperature, 45 Hz screw speed and 15% material humidity. Under this condition, the extrusion effect was the best.
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