In order to study the effects of different pre-cooling methods on the quality of fresh-cut purple cabbage during cold-chain transportation, ice water pre-cooling, cold room storage pre-cooling, pressure pre-cooling, and forced ventilation pre-cooling were studied. After packaging and simulated transportation, the fresh-cut purple cabbage was stored at 0 ℃ for 20 d. Changes in respiration metabolism, browning, nutritional characteristics, and physiochemical indexes were analyzed. The results showed that cabbage treated by pressure pre-cooling had the best preservative effects during cold chain storage and transportation. At the end of storage, its contents of anthocyanin, malondialdehyde (MDA), titrable acids, and soluble solids were 4.09 mg/L, 3.09 mmol/g FW, 0.059 8%, and 8.53%, respectively. Moreover, its respiratory intensity, peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities were effectively inhibited. Pressure pre-cooling could delay the incidence of browning of fresh cut purple cabbage, effectively suppress the growth of microorganisms (total bacterial count and coliform group), and maintain its sensory quality. In conclusion, pressure pre-cooling is a suitable pre-cooling method for fresh-cut purple cabbage during cold chain storage and transportation.
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