

  • 胡云峰 ,
  • 王晓彬 ,
  • 陈君然 ,
  • 朱彦华
  • 1(省部共建食品营养与安全国家重点实验室天津科技大学,天津,300457)
    2(早康枸杞股份有限公司,宁夏 中宁,755100)

收稿日期: 2018-07-25

  修回日期: 2018-08-07

  网络出版日期: 2019-05-14


天津市林果现代产业技术体系 (ITTFPRS2018010)

Processing technology and changes in active ingredients of cooked black Lycium barbarum L. based on Maillard reaction

  • HU Yunfeng ,
  • WANG Xiaobin ,
  • CHEN Junran ,
  • ZHU Yanhua
  • 1(State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and SafetyTianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457,China)
    2(Ningxia Zaokang Gojiberry Inc., Zhongning 755100,China)

Received date: 2018-07-25

  Revised date: 2018-08-07

  Online published: 2019-05-14


以冻干枸杞为原料,基于美拉德反应(maillard reaction,MR)原理,研制熟制黑枸杞产品,并对其活性变化规律进行研究。结果表明,熟制黑枸杞的最佳熟化温度为60 ℃,时间为48 h,所得枸杞果肉较柔软、厚实,味道酸甜,有独特的药香味,口感协调,颜色呈均一的黑色。在最佳工艺下,熟制黑枸杞内枸杞多糖有所下降;多酚类物质随着干制过程的进行而积累,在熟化48 h后,多酚类物质是熟化前的2.22倍;熟化完成时熟制黑枸杞内黄酮含量上升至8.10 mg/g,为反应初始黄酮含量的4.31倍。该熟制黑枸杞工艺简单,多酚和黄酮类物质的升高有利于提高枸杞的抗氧化活性,使其具有良好的应用前景。


胡云峰 , 王晓彬 , 陈君然 , 朱彦华 . 基于美拉德反应制备的熟制黑枸杞加工工艺及活性成分变化规律[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(7) : 151 -156 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018361


Lycium barbarum L. is a well-known traditional medicinal and edible fruit rich in nutrients. In order to utilize Lycium barbarum L. reasonably and further increase its added values, a new product named black Lycium barbarum L. was developed based on Maillard reaction, using freeze-dried Lycium barbarum L. as raw material. Additionally, changes in its active compounds were measured during processing. The study found that baked the freeze-dried Lycium barbarum L. for 48 h at 60 ℃ was the optimal processing condition to produce cooked black Lycium barbarum L., as they had soft and mouthful textures with a sweet and sour taste. It also had a unique medicine flavor. The baked black Lycium barbarum L. was uniformly black. Moreover, under the optimal condition, polysaccharides of cooked black Lycium barbarum L. decreased during processing. Polyphenols in cooked black Lycium barbarum L. accumulated along processing. The polyphenols contents were 2.22 times higher than those before cooking. The flavonoids contents of baked black Lycium barbarum L. increased to 8.10 mg/g, which was 4.31 times as much as before. The processing method of baked black Lycium barbarum L. was easy, and it increased the levels of polyphenols and flavonoids, which was beneficial to increase the antioxidant activities of Lycium barbarum L., providing cooked black Lycium barbarum L. with good applications in the future.


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