Steamed breads in this study were made by specialized steamed bread powder and green wheat flour. The fermentation and rheological characteristics of doughs prepared by different yeasts (Caihong instant dry yeast, Angel yeast, Meishan instant dry yeast, Xinliang instant high-active dry yeast) and different quantities of green wheat flour (0%,5%,10%,15%,20%) were studied. In addition, the specific volume, sensory quality, and texture characteristics of the steamed breads were analyzed. The results showed that the fermentation characteristics of the Angel yeast dough, in terms of gas yield, gas holding rate, and the time that air started to leak, were the best. Moreover, its elastic modulus and viscosity modulus were large. After adding green wheat flour, the specific volume and elasticity of the steamed bread made by Angel yeast were larger than those of the others, and its sensory scores were higher, while its hardness and chewiness were smaller. Steamed bread made by adding 10% green wheat flour had moderate specific volume and texture quality, and its sensory scores were similar to that of ordinary steamed bread. Besides, its dietary fiber content was higher. Therefore, using Angel yeast and 10% green wheat flour can make nutritious steamed bread with good quality.
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