

  • 宋镇 ,
  • 姬长英 ,
  • 张波
  • 1(南京农业大学 工学院,江苏 南京,210031)

收稿日期: 2018-08-20

  修回日期: 2018-10-12

  网络出版日期: 2019-05-14



Modeling the drying process of Pleurotus eryngii using
Weibull distribution and its physicochemical properties

  • SONG Zhen ,
  • JI Changying ,
  • ZHANG Bo
  • 1(College of Engineering, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing 210031, China)

Received date: 2018-08-20

  Revised date: 2018-10-12

  Online published: 2019-05-14


研究了不同温度(40,50,60 ℃)、不同切片厚度(4、7、10 mm)对杏鲍菇热泵干燥动力学、体积收缩率、复水动力学、干制品色泽和氨基酸含量的影响。结果表明,Weibull分布函数能很好模拟杏鲍菇的热泵干燥过程,尺度参数α随温度升高而减小,随切片厚度增加而增大,形状参数β均小于1。干燥初期,体积收缩率与水分含量的降低呈线性关系,水分含量降低到60%时,体积收缩至原体积的70%且变化不再明显。Page模型能很好模拟杏鲍菇的复水动力学。干燥温度50℃、切片厚度4、7 mm条件下的干制品色泽较好,较长的干燥时间和高温会使杏鲍菇色泽变差。低温条件下能够保留较高的氨基酸含量。研究结果可为热泵干燥技术在杏鲍菇干燥工业生产中的应用提供借鉴。


宋镇 , 姬长英 , 张波 . 基于Weibull分布函数的杏鲍菇干燥过程模拟及理化性质分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(8) : 71 -78 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018557


The effects of drying temperature (40, 50, 60 ℃) and slice thickness (4, 7, 10 mm) on drying characteristics, shrinkage rate, rehydration kinetics, color, and amino acids contents of Pleurotus eryngii were investigated using a heat pump dryer. The results indicated that the Weibull distribution could well mimic the drying process of Pleurotus eryngii by heat pump drying. The scale parameter (α) decreased with increasing temperature, and it increased with increasing slice thickness. The average shape parameter (β) was less than 1. At the beginning of the drying process, the shrinkage rate of sample volume and decreased moisture content showed a linear relationship. When the moisture content reduced to 60%, the volume shrank to 70% of its original volume, but the changes were not obvious. The Page model could well simulate the rehydration kinetics of Pleurotus eryngii. Pleurotus eryngii dried at 50℃ with 4 or 7 mm slice thickness showed desirable color appearance. Long drying time and high temperature would worsen the color of Pleurotus eryngii. Moreover, Pleurotus eryngii dried at low temperature could retain higher amino acids contents. This study can provide references for applying heat pump drying technology to produce dried Pleurotus eryngii at an industrial scale.


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