为探讨发酵保藏对酸肉营养及安全性的影响,采用黔渝地区传统方式发酵和保藏酸肉,并测定不同时段酸肉的物理特性、主要营养安全指标并进行感官评价。结果表明,酸肉色泽和质构在发酵保藏过程中变化显著(P<0.05),发酵20~50 d具有较好的硬度、咀嚼性和色泽,但随着发酵时间延长,凝胶逐渐劣化引起弹性下降,肉色开始变淡发黄;整个发酵期间,蛋白质和脂肪含量逐渐减少,过氧化值(peroxide value, POV)和亚硝酸盐逐渐增加,但均低于相关安全标准限量;呈上升趋势且与发酵保藏时间线性良好,可作为评判酸肉品质优劣的重要指标。发酵20 ~180 d酸肉的乳酸菌数和pH值分别在6.28~6.70 lg CFU /g和4.47~4.78波动,并在一定程度上抑制了肠杆菌生长;感官评价显示发酵50~80 d酸肉品质良好,20 d和110 d次之,通过结合TBA值和TVB-N值初步判断酸肉采用发酵方式进行保藏,食用期以110 d内为宜,不宜超过140 d。
Pork was fermented and preserved with traditional manufacturing technology of Sour meat in Chongqing-Guizhou area. The physical characteristics, main nutritional safety indexes of sour meat at different stages were measured and sensory evaluation was carried out to explore the effect of fermentation time on the nutrition and safety of Sour Meat. The results showed that the color and texture of the sour meat were significantly changed (P<0.05)during the fermentation preservation period, which showed that the fermented 20-50 d Sour meat has good hardness, chewiness and color. However, with the fermentation time prolonged, the gel gradually deteriorated to cause the elasticity to fall, and the flesh color began to become pale yellow. During fermentation, the content of protein and fat decreased while the content of POV and nitrite increased gradually. The value of TVB-N and TBA was on the rise and has a good linear relationship with the fermentation time, and both could be used as an important index to judge the quality of Sour meat. Lactobacillus number and pH values were fluctuated in 6.28-6.70 lgCFU /g and 4.47-4.78, respectively. Besides, the growth of enterobacteriaceae was inhibited to a certain extent. Sensory evaluation showed that the quality of fermented 50-80 d sour meat was good, followed by 20 days and 110 days. At the same time, by combining the determination results of TBA and TVB-N, we preliminarily judged that the consumption period within 110 days was advisable, not more than 140 days.
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