以糯米为原料,采用传统曲种及蜂蜜接合酵母LGL-1发酵广东黄酒。在酵母添加量、酵母添加时间、水添加量和前发酵时间4个单因素的基础上,以乙醇体积分数为响应值,采用响应面法对广东黄酒的发酵工艺参数进行优化。结果表明,酿造黄酒的最佳工艺条件为酵母添加量4 mL(100 g干米中)、酵母添加时间50 h、水添加量78%(质量分数)、前发酵时间8.4 d。该条件下得到的黄酒含糖质量浓度为95.6 g/L,乙醇体积分数为11.7%vol,酒体色泽鲜红,外观清澈透亮,具有典型的黄酒醇香。蜂蜜接合酵母LGL-1可应用于低糖型黄酒的酿造。
Guangdong yellow rice wine was produced using glutinous rice as raw material and fermented by Zygosaccharomyces mellis LGL-1 and traditional brewing starters. The optimum fermentation conditions were as follows: pre-fermented for 8.4 d, followed by adding 78% water, and adding 4 mL Z. mellis LGL-1 at 50-h fermentation. Under this condition, the contents of sugar and ethanol in the yellow rice wine were 95.6 g/L and 11.7% (V/V), respectively. Moreover, the wine was brightly red, clear and transparent, and the taste was mellow and refreshing. Therefore, Z. mellis LGL-1 can be used for producing low-sugar yellow rice wine.
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