以空心菜为对象,研究采后经质量浓度1.8 mg/L臭氧水清洗过的空心菜净菜通过不同的气调包装方式,在10 ℃条件下的冷藏保鲜效果。研究表明:空气包装、低氧(5% O2、10%~15% CO2、80%~85% N2)气调包装,均不利于采后空心菜净菜保鲜,而适宜的高氧(10% O2、5%~10% CO2、80%~85% N2)气调包装,特别是(10% O2+10% CO2+80% N2)的气调包装工艺最适合空心菜净菜的采后贮藏,可以有效地保持空心菜感官品质,维持叶绿素、维生素C的含量,延缓水分迁移,抑制丙二醛积累,延缓组织氧化衰老,抑制细菌生长繁殖,延缓腐败,较对照组空气包装相比,货架期延长了2 d。
This study aimed to provide technical solutions to promote the sales of Ipomoea aquatica. Ipomoea aquatica was used as the experimental subject, effects of different modified atmosphere packaging on preserving post-harvest Ipomoea aquatica that was washed by 1.8 mg/L ozone water and stored at 10 ℃ were studied. The results showed that both air-packaging and low-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging (5% O2, 10%-15% CO2, 80%-85% N2) were not beneficial for preserving post-harvest Ipomoea aquatica. On the other hand, suitable high oxygen atmosphere packaging (10% O2, 5%-10% CO2, 80%-85% N2), especially with 10% O2, 10% CO2, and 80% N2, was the most suitable modified atmosphere packaging to preserve post-harvest Ipomoea aquatica. Under this condition, the sensory quality of Ipomoea aquatica and its contents of chlorophyll and vitamin C could be effectively maintained. Moreover, its water diffusion, oxidation and senescence of tissues were delayed, and the accumulation of malondialdehyde as well as the growths and proliferations of colonies were inhibited. Furthermore, in comparison to air-packaging, the shelf life of Ipomoea aquatica packed with the most suitable high oxygen atmosphere was extended by 2 d.
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