为了研究扩散型时间-温度指示器(time-temperature indicator, TTI)对奇异果品质的预测情况,分别研究了不同贮藏温度(5、10、15、20 ℃)下指示器的颜色变化和奇异果品质(失重率、可溶性固形物含量、VC含量和总酸度)变化情况,通过Arrhenius方程计算TTI反应和奇异果品质变化的活化能Ea值,并将指示器颜色变化与奇异果品质变化的Ea值进行比较,从而评估使用TTI预测奇异果品质的可能性。研究结果表明,贮藏温度及时间对TTI颜色和奇异果品质变化均有影响,贮藏温度越高,TTI颜色变化速度越快,奇异果失品质变化速度越快,同时TTI的RGB值减小速度越快。研究获得TTI的Ea值为37.302 4 kJ/mol,TTI颜色变化与奇异果品质变化的Ea差值在±25 kJ/mol以内,因此可以将时间-温度指示器用于奇异果品质的预测,也表明了该指示器在食品品质预测方面具有应用潜力。
This study aimed to investigate the storage quality of kiwifruits by using a new diffuse type time-temperature indicator (TTI). The weight loss, soluble solids content, VC content, and total acidity, as well as color changes in TTI were investigated when the fruits was stored at 5 ℃, 10 ℃, 15 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 15 d. The activation energies (Ea) of TTI color response and changes in kiwifruit quality were calculated by an Arrhenius equation, and the feasibility of using TTI to evaluate changes in kiwifruit quality was judged by comparing their Ea. The results showed that both storage temperature and time had effects on changes in TTI color and kiwifruit quality. The higher the storage temperature, the faster the color changes in TTI, the faster the kiwifruits lost their quality. Besides, the decrease in RGB value of TTI was also faster. It was found that the Ea of TTI was 37.30 kJ/mol, and the value difference between Ea of TTI color change and kiwifruit quality was within ±25 kJ/mol. Therefore, TTI can be used to characterize the quality of kiwifruits, and it also has the potential to monitor food qualities during storage.
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