为明确橄榄盐胚表层析出物(white sediment on the surface of salted Chinese olive,WSSCO)的理化物质和成分,该文通过场发射扫描电子显微镜(field emission scanning electron microscope, FESEM)观察表层析出物粉末结构并测定WSSCO的主要成分及常规理化性质;利用离子色谱法、Vario EL元素分析仪和电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)分别测定WSSCO中无机阴离子、主要有机元素及主要金属元素。结果表明,WSSCO不溶于水与酸(硝酸除外),但溶于碱与多种有机溶剂;Cl-和SO2-4的质量分数分别为(39.96±1.95)%、(1.80±0.02)%,C、N元素的质量分数分别为(51.75±1.19)%、(1.46±0.068)%,蛋白质含量的质量分数为(9.125±0.425)%,多酚与灰分含量的质量分数分别为(30.81±0.61)%、(4.5±0.12)%。该文为寻找橄榄蜜饯表层析出物的有效控制措施并提高橄榄蜜饯品质提供了理论依据。
This study aimed to clarify the physiochemical properties and main components of white sediments on the surface of salted Chinese olive (WSSCO). The structure of WSSCO was observed by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), and the inorganic anions, main organic elements, and main metals in WSSCO were determined by ion chromatography, VarioEL element analyzer, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), respectively. The results showed that WSSCO was insoluble in water and acid (except nitric acid), but it was soluble in alkali and organic solvents. The mass fractions of Cl- and SO2-4 were (39.96±1.95)% and (1.80±0.02)%, respectively. Moreover, the mass fractions of C and N elements in WSSCO were (51.75±1.19)% and (1.46±0.07)%, respectively. The mass fraction of protein was (9.125±0.425)%, and the mass fractions of polyphenols and ash were (30.81±0.61)% and (4.5±0.12)%, respectively. This study provides a theoretical basis for finding an effective solution to control the production of WSSCO and to improve the quality of salted Chinese olive.
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