The sensory, texture, color and flavor of pickled and fermented bitter bamboo shoots were analyzed. The sensory evaluation results showed that fermented bitter bamboo shoots were better than pickled bamboo shoots, while the texture characteristics of pickled bitter bamboo shoots showed opposite results. Moreover, they could be visually distinguished as their differences in color were large. Compared against fresh bamboo shoots, the contents of total amino acids reduced in both bitter bamboo shoots. Besides, the proportion of delicious amino acids was significantly different between these bamboo shoots. The contents of amino acids with bitter tastes in pickled bitter bamboo shoots increased significantly. The main organic acids in both bamboo shoots were lactic acid and oxalic acid. There were 17 and four kinds of volatile flavor substances detected in fermented and pickled bitter bamboo shoots, respectively, among which methyl salicylate had the highest amount. Furthermore, fermented bamboo shoots not only had esters and alkenes as volatile flavor components, but also had alkanes and aldehydes. In conclusion, pickling can better maintain the texture and color of bitter bamboo shoots, but the flavor is not as good as fermented bamboo shoots.
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