为研究乳源锌螯合肽酶解制备最佳工艺条件及其螯合特性,从而为促锌吸收活性物质的研究提供基础,以牛乳酪蛋白为原料,以锌螯合率为指标,确定胰蛋白酶酶解制备锌螯合肽的最佳工艺条件,并对最优条件下酶解物的分子质量分布及氨基酸组成进行测定,同时通过傅里叶变换红外扫描和紫外扫描手段对酶解物和肽锌复合物进行结构表征对比分析。结果显示,最佳酶解条件为时间3 h,温度50 ℃,pH 8.5,底物质量浓度为70 g/L,加酶量0.6%(质量分数)。最佳条件下,酶解物的锌螯合率为87.78%,分子肽分子质量小,人体必需氨基酸含量丰富。螯合前后光谱存在明显差异,Zn2+与羧基等进行了配位结合。乳源锌螯合肽具有较高的锌螯合活性,实验结果为补锌剂的生产应用奠定了基础。
This research aimed to study the condition for enzymatically preparing zinc chelating peptides from dairy sources and to illustrate their chelating characteristics. Trypsin was used for enzymolysis, and the molecular weight distribution and amino acid composition of the hydrolysates, as well as their structures and peptide zinc compounds were determined under the optimal preparation condition. The results showed that the optimal hydrolysis condition was at 50 ℃ and pH=8.5 for 3 h with 70 g/L casein and 0.6% trypsin. Under the optimized condition, the zinc chelating rates of hydrolysates were 87.78%. Moreover, the hydrolysates had small molecular peptides and were rich in essential amino acids. Furthermore, significant changes in spectra were observed before and after chelation, as Zn2+ could coordinate with carboxyl and other groups of peptides. In conclusion, dairy zinc chelating peptides have high zinc chelating activity. This study lays a foundation for producing and applying zinc supplements, and also for further studies on promoted absorption of active substances by zinc.
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