为解决葡萄酒专用乳酸菌依赖国外进口,导致葡萄酒品质同质化严重的问题,以甘肃河西走廊产区处于自然苹果酸-乳酸发酵(苹乳发酵)的葡萄酒为来源,筛选具有本土特色的优势乳酸菌。通过改良MRS培养基分离乳酸菌,经生理生化、16S rDNA基因同源性分析等鉴定,并对筛选菌株进行酿酒特性分析。获得3株具有启动苹乳发酵的小片球菌(Pediococcus parvulus,P.parvulus)且均具有较强的降酸能力,较商品乳酸菌差异不显著,其中菌株C30在低温(15 ℃)、高乙醇体积分数(14%)和高SO2质量浓度(50 mg/L)条件下的生物量显著高于商品乳酸菌。菌株C30可作为启动苹乳发酵的优势菌株,对提升河西走廊产区葡萄酒品质具有一定的应用潜力,在一定程度上推动葡萄酒品质同质化问题的解决。
The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for wine making in China are mostly imported from foreign manufactures, which has caused serious homogenization of wine quality. In this study, wild-type LABs from natural malolactic fermented red wine in Gansu Hexi Corridor were isolated, identified and their fermentation adaptability was examined. Three strains that could initiate malolactic fermentation and degrade acids were identified as Pediococcus parvulus. Of which, strain C30 showed significantly higher biomass yield at low fermentation temperature (15℃), high ethanol concentration (14%) and high SO2 concentration (50 mg/L) than that of commercial LAB. In conclusion, strain C30 could be used as a malolactic fermentation starter for wines and has potential value in improving the wine quality in Gansu Hexi Corridor.
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