明晰沂蒙老区浓香型白酒的特征风味物质。采用液液萃取(liquid-liquid extraction, LLE)提取香气物质,气相色谱-闻香法(gas chromatography-olfactometry, GC-O)对香气物质进行分析鉴定。在沂蒙老区新酒和老酒中共鉴定56种香气物质。基于香气强度值,己酸乙酯(5.0)是沂蒙老区最重要的香气物质,除此之外,己酸、丁酸、乙酸(≥4.0)是沂蒙老区非常重要的香气物质,丁酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、3-甲基-1-丁醇、4-甲基苯酚、己酸-3-甲基丁酯、庚酸乙酯、2-羟基己酸乙酯、己酸戊酯、3-甲基丁酸和2-苯乙醇(≥3.0)是沂蒙老区重要的香气物质。新酒和老酒的风味相似,但老酒中香气物质的香气强度普遍高于新酒。通过与五粮液、剑南春和洋河大曲比较,沂蒙老区白酒在风格上更接近江淮派,但又别具一格,这一结果将有利于沂蒙老区白酒品质的改进与提升。
In order to clarify the flavor characteristics of strong-aroma liquors made in Yimeng old district, the aroma components in the liquors were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and identified by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O). A total of 56 aroma compounds were identified. Of which, ethyl hexanoate was the most important flavor compound in both young and aged liquors, as its aroma intensity value was 5.0. Hexanoic, butanoic and acetic acids had over 4.0 aroma intensity values and therefore they were very important flavor compounds. Ethyl butyrate, ethyl pentanoate, ethyl octanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 4-methyl-phenol, 3-methylbutyl hexanoate, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl 2-hydroxyhexanoate, pentyl hexanoate, 3-methylbutanoic acid and 2-phenylethanol were important flavor compounds (aroma intensity value ≥3.0). Comparing young liquors against aged liquors, their aroma profiles were similar, but the aroma compounds in aged samples had higher aroma intensity value. Besides, by comparing Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, and Yanghe daqu, it was found that the flavor style of liquors from Yimeng old district was similar to Yanghe daqu liquor and has its own unique style. In conclusion, this study is beneficial for further quality improvement of liquors from Yimeng old district.
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