

  • 王超 ,
  • 叶文琪 ,
  • 薛岚 ,
  • 刘中美 ,
  • 周哲敏
  • (江南大学 生物工程学院,江苏 无锡,214122)

收稿日期: 2018-12-18

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-08



Modification of aspartate α-decarboxylase from Tribolium castaneum andits application in producing β-alanine

  • WANG Chao ,
  • YE Wenqi ,
  • XUE Lan ,
  • LIU Zhongmei ,
  • ZHOU Zhemin
  • Schoool of Biotechnology,Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

Received date: 2018-12-18

  Online published: 2019-07-08


L-天冬氨酸α-脱羧酶活性较低,稳定性较差,使得其在工业应用中受到限制。该研究旨在提高L-天冬氨酸α-脱羧酶的催化性能,促进生物法生产β-丙氨酸的工业化进程。依据嗜热蛋白酶的氨基酸内在进化趋势,对赤拟谷盗来源L-天冬氨酸α-脱羧酶进行分子改造,以期提高稳定性。实验共构建21个突变体,获得催化性能优良的突变体K221R,该突变体的比酶活较野生型提高20.3%;野生型经50 ℃处理30 min,残余酶活接近0,而突变体K221R的残余酶活为43%。建立了基因工程菌全细胞催化天冬氨酸生成β-丙氨酸的工艺,K221R菌株的产量达到134.72 g/L,摩尔转化率为94.52%,是迄今为止的最高产量。该研究构建的基因工程菌具有工业应用潜力,同时也为生物法制备β-丙氨酸提供理论与技术基础。


王超 , 叶文琪 , 薛岚 , 刘中美 , 周哲敏 . 赤拟谷盗来源天冬氨酸α-脱羧酶分子改造及催化合成β-丙氨酸工艺的建立[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(11) : 7 -13 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019670


Low catalytic ability and poor stability limit industrial applications of L-aspartate α-decarboxylase. This study was therefore conducted to improve the catalytic activity of L-aspartate α-decarboxylase to promote biological production of β-alanine in industries. Based on evolutionary information of thermophilic bacteria, L-aspartate α-decarboxylase from Tribolium castaneum was molecularly modified to improve its enzyme stability. The mutant strain K221R was screened, as it had improved thermal stability and enzymatic activity. Compared with the wild type, the specific enzyme activity of K221R increased 20.3%. Moreover, after incubating the enzyme at 50 ℃ for 30 min, the residual activity of the wild type was 0, while K221R remained 43% activity. Furthermore, up to 134.72 g/L β-alanine was produced using K221R-expression whole cells, which was the highest production level achieved up-to-date, with 94.52% molar conversion rate. In conclusion, the engineered strain containing K221 variant has great potential for industrial production of β-alanine.


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