探究奉节脐橙在不同保鲜方式贮藏期间主要滋味物质的变化,以及不同处理对脐橙果实贮藏期间滋味品质影响的综合评价方法。以奉节脐橙为试验材料,采用3种不同类型的保鲜方式(留树保鲜、混合保鲜剂+低温和2%壳聚糖+低温),研究贮藏过程中基本生理指标、可溶性糖、有机酸和柠檬苦素的变化,利用因子分析建立滋味品质综合评价体系。结果表明,3种保鲜方式均可有效减缓贮藏保鲜过程中脐橙果实维生素C、可溶性固形物和可溶性糖的降解,并显著抑制了有机酸和柠檬苦素的上升,这表明3种保鲜方式都能在一定程度内维持贮藏期间脐橙果实的滋味品质。通过综合评价体系可知,留树保鲜的方式最优,且留树保鲜30 d和75 d为留树保鲜脐橙果实的最佳采收时期。该研究为今后脐橙果实保鲜方式的选择及贮藏过程中滋味品质的相关变化提供科学依据。
The aim of this study was to investigate changes in taste components of Fengjie navel oranges treated by different preservative methods during storage and to establish a comprehensive evaluation method to assess the quality. Using Fengjie navel oranges as experimental material, three different treatments (late-harvest, mixed preservatives+low temperature, and 2% chitosan + low temperature) were adopted to investigate the changes in basic physiological indexes, soluble sugar, organic acid and limonin during storage. The results showed that all these three methods effectively alleviated degradations of Vc, TSS as well as soluble sugars, and significantly inhibited increases in organic acids and limonin in navel oranges, indicated that all these three methods could maintain the taste quality of navel oranges during storage to a certain extent. The comprehensive evaluation system demonstrated that late-harvest preservation was the best, and the optimum harvesting period was when stored the oranges on-tree for 30 d and 75 d. This study provides a scientific basis for selecting fresh-keeping methods for navel oranges and studying related changes in their taste quality during storage, which has certain guiding significance for improving the economic benefits of navel orange industries.
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