为了研究灵芝菌丝体固态发酵豆渣过程中的营养特性变化,以豆渣为原料,利用灵芝菌丝体固态发酵豆渣,研究发酵过程中菌质的形态指标、理化指标、生化指标的变化。结果表明,灵芝菌丝体发酵豆渣可分为3个阶段,1~5 d为发酵前期,5~9 d为发酵后期,9~11 d为老化期。豆渣经灵芝菌丝体固态发酵,总膳食纤维的质量分数在发酵前期由发酵前的43.16%显著下降至28.72%;脂肪的质量分数由发酵前的19.69%显著下降至发酵末期的12.29%;可溶性蛋白、氨基酸态氮的含量分别由发酵前的2.27 mg/g、1.16 mg/g显著上升至发酵末期的11.05 mg/g、9.94 mg/g;多肽的含量由发酵前的11.90 mg/g上升至发酵后期的19.59 mg/g。该研究结果为灵芝菌丝体固态发酵豆渣的工艺优化提供了理论依据。
Okara was solid-state fermented by Ganoderma lucidum and its nutritional changes, morphological, physicochemical and biochemical indexes were characterized. The fermentation was divided into three distinctive stages: early fermentation stage (1-5 d), late fermentation stage (5-9 d), and aging stage (9-11 d). It was found that in comparison to fresh okara, the mass fraction of total dietary fiber at early fermentation stage decreased significantly from 43.16% to 28.72%, and fat decreased significantly from 19.69% to 12.29% at aging stage. While soluble proteins and amino nitrogen increased significantly from 2.27 mg/g and 1.16 mg/g to 11.05 mg/g and 9.94 mg/g, respectively, at aging stage. Besides, the mass fraction of peptides increased from 11.90 mg/g to 19.59 mg/g at late fermentation stage. Overall, this study provides a theoretical basis for optimizing solid-state fermentation process of okara by G. lucidum.
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