为研究南极磷虾在冻藏过程中品质与保鲜期变化,测定了贮藏在-18、-25、-30、-50 ℃下南极磷虾的感官品质、压出水分(water-holding capacity, WHC)、菌落总数(total viable count, TVC)与总挥发性盐基氮(total-volatile basic nitrogen, T-VBN)指标。结合Arrhenius方程建立了感官品质、WHC、TVC和T-VBN与冻藏时间和温度之间的动力学模型。实验表明:线性回归分析结合Arrhenius方程发现南极磷虾感官评定、WHC、T-VBN指标分别属于“0级”、“1级”、“1级”反应。TVC也是“1级”反应,但Arrhenius方程建立的预测模型结果不理想。以感官评定上限值、海虾中T-VBN二级鲜度标准值(25 mg/100 g)对模型进行验证,结果WHC在-30~-18 ℃南极磷虾保鲜期预测模型模拟效果良好;但T-VBN保鲜期预测模型更好地反映了-50~-18 ℃南极磷虾保鲜期的变化规律,相对误差均在±10.0%左右,为今后建立可食性南极磷虾实用保鲜期的判别提供了依据。
In order to study changes in quality and shelf life of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) during frozen storage, its sensory evaluation, water-holding capacity (WHC), total viable count (TVC), and TVB-N were tested at -18, -25, -30, and -50 ℃, respectively. The kinetic models of sensory evaluation, WHC, TVC, and T-VBN with respect to storage time and temperature were developed based on Arrhenius equation. Combined linear regression analysis with Arrhenius equation showed that sensory evaluation, WHC, and TVB-N of Antarctic krill belonged to ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘1’ order reactions, respectively. Although TVC was ‘1’ order reactions, the predictive model established was not ideal. Moreover, the model was validated according to sensory indicators and TVB-N second grade freshness standard (25 mg/100g). The results showed that the model of WHC could successfully predict the shelf-life at -30--18 ℃, and the model of TVB-N could well reflect the shelf-life at -50--18 ℃ with ±10.0% relative errors. In conclusion, these results can provide a basis for justifying the shelf-life of edible Antarctic krill in the future.
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