为探索热水热激处理减轻黄瓜冷害的最佳处理条件,采用“申青”黄瓜作为试验试材,以电解质外渗率作为冷害评价指标,利用三因素二次正交旋转组合设计建立模型,结果表明,优化得到的最佳热水热激处理温度37.5 ℃,最佳热激时间24 min。黄瓜果实经热激处理后,在温度4 ℃、湿度85%冷库中贮藏5 d的电解质外渗率实测值为25.13%,与理论值相对误差为1.21%,较未处理黄瓜果实提高了34.07%,说明该方法稳定可靠。该试验优化了热水处理黄瓜果实低温贮藏冷害参数,建立的模型稳定可行,为黄瓜果实抗冷性的提高和冷敏型果蔬冷害的防治提供了一定的试验参考和理论依据
In order to explore the optimal treatment conditions of hot water treatment to reducing chilling injury of cucumber, cucumber "Shen Qing" was used as the experimental materials, and the electrolyte leakage rate was used as index of chilling injury, and the model was established by three factors quadratic regression orthogonal rotating combination design. The regression equations of electrolyte leakage rate on heat shock temperature x1, heat shock time x2 and storage time x3 were obtained: Y=68.949 082-2.228 748×x1-0.535 663×x2-0.341 434×x3+ 0.028 857×x21+0.008 162×x22+0.082 827×x23. The results showed that the optimal heat shock temperature was 37.5 ℃, the optimal heat shock time was 24 min. The electrolyte leakage rate of cucumber fruit that be stored in the cold storage at 4 ℃ and 85% humidity for 5 days after heat shock treatment was 25.13%, and the relative error with theoretical value was 1.21%, which was 34.07% higher than that of untreated cucumber, indicating that the method was stable and reliable. The experiment optimized the cold chilling parameters in low temperature storage of cucumber fruit by hot water treatment, and the established model was stable and feasible, which provided a certain experimental reference and theoretical basis for the improvement of cold resistance of cucumber fruit and the prevention and control of cold sensitive fruit and vegetable.
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